My nephews have been visiting for a couple days at a time. And we are having two young friends stay with us for the week. And Sterling’s friend Tim hangs here a fair bit. So, it’s been a lot of boy around here lately.
I don’t mind at all. It’s kinda nice to be home for the week. I’ve taken them to a bouncing place. They’ve swam (a lot) in our pool. Nerf Wars galore. Went to the beach. Built stuff. Biked places. Played Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Climbed trees. Hurt appendages.
Like I said.
A lot of boy.
Love it, actually.
My only concern is what to feed these animals. I mean kids. I’ve got 6 boys, ages 9 – 17 here, and varying appetites and preferences. One didn’t like hot dogs. My youngest doesn’t like hamburgers. Two aren’t fond of pizza. (What the heck?) I might have pulled off spaghetti, but then one of them doesn’t want any “stuff” in the sauce.
Taco in a Pan.
Easiest dinner that satisfies, and might actually have a bit of healthy in it.
(not a lot, don’t worry, boys)
Step 1:
Take some ground beef, cook it up with taco seasoning.
Step 2:
Prepare some macaroni and cheese. Yes, a box of it. or two or three, depending on how many animals you are feeding. I mean, sweet children, of course. You could go all “Crunchy Mom” and make some from scratch using whole grain noodles and real cheese if you want to. But seriously, after a long day of transporting boys to doing boy stuff in multiple locations, why? You know they want it coming from a box. You can use real milk and real butter. That’s healthy.
Step 3:
Mix the two together.
Add assorted taco kinda toppings like salsa and sour cream.
That’s it.
Serve it up with tortilla chips as spoons and watch them go at it.
An empty bowl is a happy boy.
The key to a happy mom after a long boy day is making them do the dishes.